Tea Party

Let me shuffle back a couple of month's so I can share with you the tea party my sister and I threw for my mom on mother's day. It was such a success that I must share these pics! My mom is obsessed with tea and tea service, so my sister and I had the brilliant idea to turn our apartment in a tea room! Little did I know how much time, effort, and money it would actually take... but that's besides the point. It was all worth it! I got some ideas off of Pinterest, and others I just made up on my own! You know what I had the toughest time with? The egg salad sandwiches! Who knew hard boiling an egg could be so damn tricky...I know that sounds dumb, but at first, they were undercooked and then overcooked... getting them just right was so hard. Whatevs, it all turned out okay in the end...and delicious I might add!

[Our festive table spread]
[Egg salad sandwiches on whole wheat]
[Cucumber & Asparagus sandwiches]
[Strawberry & raspberry treats]
[Pink & red delight]
[Assortment of teas]
[Asparagus & cream cheese on white]


  1. mmmm all that food looks so good! what did u put in your egg salad?!

  2. omg whatever that strawberry/raspberry thing is I want!!! must provide the recipe in the post
